Friday, August 31, 2007

Casual Day

When Mark Spencer sent out an email earlier this week announcing Friday was "casual day" there was quite a bit of buzz around. We had so many new folks this year, they had no idea what it really meant! A couple of folks from the marketing team knew exactly what it was: PJs, absolute casual; almost anything goes. Well, to our surprise, Mark showed up to a meeting in his penguin boxer shorts! Yet another day that falls into the category of, "you can't make this stuff up!" I love my job. I love this place. Work hard. Play hard. Laugh hard! I took cell phone pictures and sent them to one person who was in another location on the conference bridge. Response: SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you agree?

In this picture above, Mark is teaching a class in Huntsville. People love Mark's guest appearances in classes. He's touching, entertaining, and aloof all in one. Yes, really! Throughout the day, people from sales, marketing, tech support and other departments came out of the woodwork for this event to see who was wearing what. Here is a picture of some of the fun folks.

It makes each and every day a blast to come to the office. It is what makes Digium what it is. Innovative, fun, collaborative. Unpredictable.

For new folks, its enlightening. For students in training, it is eye popping.

That's it for tonight. It was a very nice ending to the week!

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