Saturday, August 25, 2007

Interesting Tradeshow Week

VoiceCon Fall 2007

The event put on by CMP and BCR under Fred Knight, GM, held as usual in SF was fun this past week. Digium has been there for the past 3 events positioning ourselves in the enterprise. This year Unified Communications has taken center stage over all else as Microsoft's entry to voice business systems continues to upset the applecart. Mark Spencer, our founder and CTO appeared on his first plenary panel. I hope to get a video of the panel, and if so, will try and post it here. Mark left his comfy leather seat during the session and walked the stage, sat down next to Eric Swift from Microsoft and had some fun with him. Put his arm around Eric and told him they were the enemy. Then got up and sat in between Cisco's panelist and Avaya's panelist and had some more fun with them. He told all that if we don't get it right from the PBX and networking sides, Skype, also on the panel, would eat all our lunches! First time ever in all my VoiceCon years I've ever seen anything like it.

In the locknote, which ends the conference, several folks referred to Mark's comments but not him by name. Mark was a hit and made all of us Digiumites proud. This is exactly why he is in my contact database as "Mark, there is no box" - this young man is different, bold, and smart.

This was also the first VoiceCon event for Digium that geeks did not search us out. We focused on business, business process, and operations for Open Source Telephony enterprises of all sizes. Very nice event.

Digium also had a celebration dinner with a new major license and OEM partner midweek at Bobo's in SF. Absolutely the best in-bone filet I and my colleagues have ever had. Watch for our announcement soon. We signed the contracts at the dinner. Plans are to launch in September. Digium will also announce some other exciting news in preparation for Q4 at Astricon (September 25-28 in PHX). Check out

So we had some fun this week. Excellent press, making Gartner's magic quadrant; excellent analyst meetings, and some strong promising customers sales.

See you next time and soon!

Astricon, IT Expo and Digium Asterisk World at VON are coming up!
Check them all out at

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